Wednesday, August 06, 2008


As the clock ticks noisily and the moments pass without a glance backwards, my mind wanders through a myriad of events. Past and present encounters flash pass the cinematic screen of my mind’s eye. I got to thinking about the topic of pivotal moments. Landmark events, life-changing scenes or crucial pit-stops in our lives that happened to turn our whole world around. That particular instance which steered us in a direction that would have been totally different if it had never occur.

Mainly, I was musing over the exact moment in relationships, be it friendships or love that sealed the deal. What was the drop that tipped over the barrel of water? When was the instant that it happened? The moment when you decide, “Yes! This is it. This is the brick that seals the foundation of our friendship. This is the reason why I’m entrusting my heart to this person, whole and completely.”

And after that particular moment in time when all seems to stop and revolve around that significant event, your relationship has not looked back since.

I’ve come to realize that I have had and heard about a few of these moments...

The moment when no words are exchanged in a time of grief and painful memories, only to have someone who cries silently beside you coz that is the only comfort he knows and the only thing you need.

To hear the words uttered in love that your heart knew but forgot.

To have someone whom you have been thinking about all day suddenly and miraculously appear before you at the most unexpected time and place.
Like a bus stop.

To feel a tap on your shoulder and turn around to meet the grinning face of someone you have been worrying about for the longest time.

The moment when you open the mailbox to discover a love letter sent from afar, together with a present made perfect in its imperfection just because it was delivered with love.

To have someone who not only stands by you when the rest walk away, but who also stands up against them and defends you in a time when you have no friends.

Small things that make a whole lotta of difference. It seems that the simple things are also the most profound. Maybe because when loving gestures, serendipity and fierce loyalty are concocted together into a potent mix, they cease to be mere things or coincidences.

They become the catalyst for souls to reach out and touch one another,

even if it is just for that moment.


Anonymous said...

Gal, how have you been? Ha, I'm starting to feel the "distance". Just miss the class lots suddenly. Anyway, do keep in contact!

DanieLChiP said...

has it occurred to u that the brick which seal the foundation of the friendship, as you have said, could actually be taken away just as easily as u hv placed it there?

just a sudden thought - sorry for the negativity - maybe it's wat has been bothering me for a while. :-)