Thursday, January 18, 2007

Sometimes when you least expect it...

Sometimes when you least expect it, God springs you a pretty surprise. :)

Saw this on my floor when the early morning sun rays got refracted through my window panes.
Isn't it pretty?

Tuesday, January 09, 2007

Today is the First Day of the Rest of My Semester...

First Day of School, New Beginning.
Wonder what, the semester will bring
Got up Bright, but not so early
Felt like going, back to bed comfy
Any way, what I wanted to say
Was that I'm hoping
For the few months coming
That I will be able
To get more 'A's !!!

Wednesday, January 03, 2007

The only thing that's constant in this world is CHANGE......

In this new year, it got me thinking and looking back,
I realised that.....

Cities can grow from olden to modern, within Decades...

We get older and hopefully wiser, within Years...

Seasons change, people change, within Months...

The weather can shift from Sunny...

to Stormy, within a Day!

(ps: I did not change it to black and white mode for the pic above)

But then, throughout all the change, the ups and downs, breakups and makeups, happy and sad,
it's always comforting to know that there is Something that is always constant, always the same,
yesterday, today and forever.
Something not of this world, but has overcome it.
Something we can always rely on because it never changes and is steadfast throughout everything.

Yep, in this new year of 2007, I shall take this Something as my instruction manual for life in the next 365 days and beyond, since I know it can never go wrong and will never be wrong.

What is this Something you may ask?
