Thursday, May 11, 2006

Happy (early) Mother's Day!!

Okie since I can't access the internet as and when I like it, I thought I better put in this one before it's too late. It's more examples of the messages the beloved-person-who-gave-birth-to-me-after-nine-long-months sends to me to show her concern. I really do love this petite-but-spunky(as what one of my friends called her) independent power woman who showers her care and love abundantly without hesitation, and may i add, it sometimes ends up as the funniest text messages that never fails to brighten my day.

So thank you Mummy and I love you! (if you haven't already know that)

(This was a reminder for me to put on the ear studs of my ear rings in case they came off without me knowing)

(the message by itself is already hilarious, my mother was worried that i may get my shoe soiled by accidentally stepping on the sticky sweet that melted on the steps, so she was so kind to cover it with a tissue. But the most funny twist to the story was that I WAS THE ONE who dropped that ricola sweet on the steps on my way out and was too lazy to pick it up, therefore letting it melt away til the next day when my mum saw it! HoHoHo!!)

Another one of her commands scribbled on paper for me, the first thing i see after i wake up.

And she really IS the 'highest' authority in my household, though me and my brother may not show it so often out of some rebellious streak that runs in us.

She holds the highest position in my heart as far as I am concerned.

Happy Mother's Day!!

Exams is like opening a TooL Box...

First, you get hammered into having to spend copious amounts of time wallowing beneath the depths of thick thick texbooks and chim chim theories which drive you nuts and want to bolt for the door!

Not only does all the mugging pry you away from your social life, you also have to do a fair bit of prying your eyelids open with pliers yourself!

Sometimes it makes you wonder whether results are really a good gauge of your abilities since you really cannot determine the quality of your life with a measuring tape.

And then after all the hard work, studying and torture. The end of exam papers always almost somehow leaves me feeling ultimately, utterly and completely Screwed Up!!!

Yes, that's right, its the end of exams for me and the start of the jobless holidays. On a further annoying note, my com has been hit by the elusive spyfalcon virus (doesnt it sound like a thriller detective novel?) so the internet connection is totally impossible for at least the next few weeks for me. I have to resort to either taking advantage of my friend's com like now or travel long distance to school to use it..hmmmm..