Wednesday, December 26, 2007

I'm Like a Bird...

Hey there, people who know me and are reading this, wondering where I am since I'm not answering your sms or phonecalls. (I doubt there will be many anyway)

The reason being that I'm off to some far-flung part of the globe again. This time on a last minute 2-week holiday trip to maximise my last remaining chances of using cheap SIA ticket prices. (Before fuel prices sky-rocket to unattainable heights and I officially become a full-paying 'adult')

By the way, I'll be back on 13 Jan, just before my last semester of school starts again, if anyone is actually interested to know.

As for where i am going, I'll leave it to the people whom I have told to know and for the rest to find out. Haha...why don't you make an intelligent guess?
(hint: it's on another continent and hemisphere)

In the words of Nelly Furtado: "I'm like a bird...I always fly away..."

Til' I see you all again!

Sunday, December 16, 2007

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Rainy Days and Mondays

The exams are finally over and the holidays are here once more.
But somehow I'm still cooped behind the grills of my house.
For the past few days it has been raining like God-decided-to-try-and-turn-Earth-into-Neptune-on-a-whim.
Alternatively, we can just conveniently blame the anthropogenic-induced global climate change for this perpetual wet socks weather. Sighz...
Bad weather no sun, no money no fun.

Anyway, I was just mulling over the rainy weather late this evening when i was greeted with a sight that just made me laugh...

My mother never fails to surprise me and today she did it again with
this HuuUuuuGE Umbrella!!!!

ps: my own blue umbrella looks like a tiny dwarf next to her monstrous waterproof canvas, which I think, can easily pass off as a makeshift shelter for the homeless! I wonder how many stares she invited when she took it out to work today. (I'm guessing either envious or weird kinds. haha.)

How nice it is to have a big warm shelter you can always run to in stormy weather... And never fear of getting wet too!