Wednesday, December 26, 2007

I'm Like a Bird...

Hey there, people who know me and are reading this, wondering where I am since I'm not answering your sms or phonecalls. (I doubt there will be many anyway)

The reason being that I'm off to some far-flung part of the globe again. This time on a last minute 2-week holiday trip to maximise my last remaining chances of using cheap SIA ticket prices. (Before fuel prices sky-rocket to unattainable heights and I officially become a full-paying 'adult')

By the way, I'll be back on 13 Jan, just before my last semester of school starts again, if anyone is actually interested to know.

As for where i am going, I'll leave it to the people whom I have told to know and for the rest to find out. Haha...why don't you make an intelligent guess?
(hint: it's on another continent and hemisphere)

In the words of Nelly Furtado: "I'm like a bird...I always fly away..."

Til' I see you all again!

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