Thursday, May 11, 2006

Exams is like opening a TooL Box...

First, you get hammered into having to spend copious amounts of time wallowing beneath the depths of thick thick texbooks and chim chim theories which drive you nuts and want to bolt for the door!

Not only does all the mugging pry you away from your social life, you also have to do a fair bit of prying your eyelids open with pliers yourself!

Sometimes it makes you wonder whether results are really a good gauge of your abilities since you really cannot determine the quality of your life with a measuring tape.

And then after all the hard work, studying and torture. The end of exam papers always almost somehow leaves me feeling ultimately, utterly and completely Screwed Up!!!

Yes, that's right, its the end of exams for me and the start of the jobless holidays. On a further annoying note, my com has been hit by the elusive spyfalcon virus (doesnt it sound like a thriller detective novel?) so the internet connection is totally impossible for at least the next few weeks for me. I have to resort to either taking advantage of my friend's com like now or travel long distance to school to use it..hmmmm..

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