Sunday, December 27, 2009

An Unexpected Gift...

A long, long time ago... I can still remember.

8 number of years past
The scene was of the canteen on a cool afternoon
I was at the drinks store in the corner
Casually mentioned that the toy was really cute

Went off to play without a care,
or a second thought
As sunset called for time to go home
Came running back to retrieve my forsaken bag

And on top of it was gently placed,
this little toy of Sylvester and Tweety.

I never got to know who the giver was
But I am reminded again this Christmas,
that it's not about the receiving, but of the giving.

To the person who gave me the unexpected gift,
I thank you

For you gave me much more than you probably know.

Monday, December 14, 2009

Midnight Emo Ramblings...


很想給妳寫封信 告訴妳這裡的天氣

昨夜的那一場電影 還有我的心情

很想給妳寫封信 卻只是想想而已

我已經不能肯定 妳是不是還會關心

愛與不愛都需要勇氣 於是我們都選擇了逃避

愛與不愛都需要勇氣 於是我們都選擇了逃避

或許妳不相信 我很滿意這樣的結局

或許妳不相信 我沒有一絲的埋怨和悔意




"To love or not to love, it both takes courage. That's why we chose to run away."
This song was mentioned in the sermon today and the song got stuck in my head.

Why do people always like to run away and not face the issue?
Don't they know that once you start running, you will always be running away from the problem and never getting over it?
What if one side decides to stay and face it but the other runs?

That must be the suckiest feeling in the world, to be left stranded trying to solve a problem that requires both to be involved. It's like trying to clap with one hand.

Thinking through, I think I know how God feels about us pesky humans now... haha.

Friday, December 11, 2009

What do you see?

An optimist is a person who sees only the lights in the picture, whereas a pessimist sees only the shadows. An idealist, however, is one who sees the light and the shadows, but in addition sees something else: the possibility of changing the picture, of making the lights prevail over the shadows.