Monday, July 24, 2006

The Long Awaited Answer....

Yes my friends, the answer is none other than SLURPEE because the machine keeps churning the ice drink, therefore it is always in "motion" (geddit?)

Peach got the right answer in my comment page but that's because i told her the answer already. So technically she cheated haha!

And the actual winner should be Joy coz she got the closest by mentioning that it was an ice-blend drink.
So Congrats Joy!! You win a free Slurpee from me! (but if you don't remind me it gets forfeited! Haaa....)

ps: Janice, how in the world does crysanthemum tea resemble motion, I don't get the link?!!!


Anonymous said...

That's a cheat man. LOL. Anymore coming up? heehee

Anonymous said...

Haha..I don't know, ju hua cha is well as motion..hence the link. :P
