Monday, August 28, 2006

Anger Management...

In light of certain events, I got to thinking about anger and forgiveness. When a person has angered you or hurt you or betrayed you in some way or another, what do you do about it?
Some people blow up and never talk to the other person ever again, some people hold the anger inside for a long long time, never being able to forgive and let go, some people use hate as a way for their anger and yet others find themselves never being able to trust again.

Regardless, there are also some people who just constantly irritate the hell out of you with their nonsense and here are some thoughts that might help haha...

In the words of one of my friends,

"Some people are alive simply because it's illegal to shoot them!"

From the movie "Anger Management",

Temper's the one thing you can't get rid of, by losing it.

Finally, a lesson I just learned from the Oprah show,

"Being mad and not being able to forgive someone is like taking poison yourself while hoping that the other person dies."

Now...... if I can just resist the thought of being able to viciously pluck the silly little mustache off my smug i-know-it-all-coz-i-read-alot lecturer's face and then using it as fuel for burning all his precious thick chim books at one go whenever he goes rattling insults on all that I believe in....Then I will be fine.
Afterall, "Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned" man.. hahaha...

Friday, August 25, 2006


Once in a while, you hear someone sing a song so real,so raw and so well that it gives you goosebumps and make the tiny hairs on your arm stand.

Ryan Star totally kicks the butt of ALL the Singapore Fei Chang Idol Super Star/Band/Kid contestants out of the window, straight into the sky to circle round the entire earth at least 3 times man!!

Oh, and multipy that ten times even more when you throw in a cute-as-teletubbies-but-sound equally-as-bad-as-them Joakim (not to mention downright freakingly disturbing that he's still not eliminated!)

Sighz. I just wish that I had cable so that I don't need to put up with the Kid's Central ditties (aka Singapore Idol aspirants' singing) and can finally watch and listen to real good performances at proper singing competitions with fair eliminations.

Someone Please Sponsor meeeee with the CBS channel!

Ryan Star- Losing My Religon

Wednesday, August 16, 2006


Woke up early that morning
To find the sky a deep grey blue
It looked liked it was going to rain,
And I dreaded going to school.

It was a day like no other,
a birthday was its name
So why did God had to go make it pour,
and make it such a bother?

And so I sulked, and I pout,
as i moved my butt about.
Somewhere a little voice whispered,
"Count your blessings, not your grouse"
But I ignored it and left the house.

At school I was late
which meant I had to wait,
til the class had a break.

As I sat at the bench,
I began to ponder
about all my friends.

"Do they care?"

"Do they even know I'm there?"

And a tiny voice answered,
"Of coz they do! You always knew!
Feel the love with your heart. It's more than meets the eye."

I decided to give it a try.

Just as I started to open my heart's gate,
Out pops my friend in red.
All smiles and bouncing cheery
With a book to make me happy!

The next friend I greet,
Offered a bag for me to keep.
Cookies baked with love and care,
more than enough to fill a bear!

I was convinced by my inner voice,

and I knew I had a choice.

Good or bad this day might be,

It was all up to me!

It didn't just stop there,
As I became more aware.
Alas! Something more was BreWing
I was led, unassuming

"Surprise! Surprise!
They all yelled.

Love overflowing was what I felt.

Joy on my right,
Friends on my left.
Laughter in front,
Pardon the pun

Surrounded by the people
Who have known me
Eversince the beginning
Of my journey...

It was then I realised,
That in all my twenty-one years,
My friends are the ones who light up the pages,
In the Story Of My Life.

I may not have found the "special" someone to take care of me yet,

but I know I can count on these people to be there for me and look after me.

These friends are God's "special" way of taking care of me afterall. =)

Thank you all for being part of this birthday!

I Love You All !!!

Monday, August 07, 2006

Brick Walls...

Arrgggh..been feeling like I keep banging into brick walls everytime I wanna blog. No interesting photos and no ideas/captions coming out either. Sorry about that folks!
(If you are in dying need to see some form of visual stimulation, please scroll all the way down further and click on my flickr badge on the right side, I put up some greece photos.)

Anyway, since my thinking cap has'nt been working much I guess it's time to bring out my walking shoes (okie fine, slippers!) for a walk in the sun instead!
Okie I'm going off now, wish me luck in the creative department yeah!

Thursday, August 03, 2006

Time to get started...

Now that the awful make-you-sweatlikeapig-before-you-even-leave-the-bed Singapore weather seems to have pass over, I guess it's no more excuse for me not to go out and exercise abit, it's been ages! Oh and also the lack of outdoors has been taking its toll on my right brain, hence the lack of much entries here due to the demise of my creativity. Haha okay enough crap.

Bye bye Prickly Heat! Time to move my Feet!