Friday, August 25, 2006


Once in a while, you hear someone sing a song so real,so raw and so well that it gives you goosebumps and make the tiny hairs on your arm stand.

Ryan Star totally kicks the butt of ALL the Singapore Fei Chang Idol Super Star/Band/Kid contestants out of the window, straight into the sky to circle round the entire earth at least 3 times man!!

Oh, and multipy that ten times even more when you throw in a cute-as-teletubbies-but-sound equally-as-bad-as-them Joakim (not to mention downright freakingly disturbing that he's still not eliminated!)

Sighz. I just wish that I had cable so that I don't need to put up with the Kid's Central ditties (aka Singapore Idol aspirants' singing) and can finally watch and listen to real good performances at proper singing competitions with fair eliminations.

Someone Please Sponsor meeeee with the CBS channel!

Ryan Star- Losing My Religon

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