Thursday, April 26, 2007

Toilet Humor

In between my exams now, just had a paper today that I think just went flushed down the toilet. But not just any other toilet, its the super duper automated high-tech toilet seat that I came across in Japan!

They keep the toilet seat warmed up for you in winter through some heater that runs through the toilet bowl.
And different buttons at the side lets you do so many things you never thought of doing in a cubicle.
One button gives you a butt spray and another plays the music of a flushing sound.
Haha! Isn't it a toilet bliss?
But the funniest thing was I read in the papers that the company producing those 'special' toilet bowls, TOYO, is now facing lawsuits after one of the bowls caught fire while someone was on it! Hohoho... i sure pity that poor girl man...

Okie enough crapping, (pun not intended)

Back to my lonely cubicle to be with stacks of paper and analyse loads of shit ...
(i mean studying by the way)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

faster finish! then we go out again okie!!!