Monday, July 16, 2007

Empty Inside... Scroll down for the key...

Those people around me would know that i have recently discovered this really cool book called Kokology: the game of self- discovery. They ask you a series of seemingly innocent topics then reveal what the answers say about you. I have tested it on quite a few people to quite hilarious, but usually spot-on results. Haha. And so I decided to put in one of the questions and see what you choose. (Don't worry, it wouldn't be anything too personal like who your secret crush is!)
Ready? Here goes...

Empty Inside

Some days everything just seems to go your way. Traffic seems to clear a path for you on the way to work; your boss takes the day off; you win the office pool. And you're all the happier because each new bit of luck comes as a pleasant surprise. Of course, there's another side to the unexpected as well. All it takes is a run in your stocking or a stain on your favourite shirt to bring you right back to reality. Good or bad, it's the little surprises that keep life interesting.

You go to the local bakery and buy a jelly doughnut. (you know, the kind without the hole but with jam stuffing inside) However, when you get home and take a bite, you discover it's missing one essential ingredient--the jelly inside! How do you react to this bit of bad luck?

1. Take the defective doughnut back to the shop and get a new one.

2. Say to yourself, "These things happen," and eat the empty doughnut as it is.

3. Eat something else.

4. Try filling the empty doughnut with something like maple syrup or jam to make it taste better.

Sooooooo...what have you chosen? Do drop me your answer in the comments page and I'll reveal the key to this topic soon. Btw, my first reaction was "Arrrrrggghhh", I'll try to eat it plain first but then decide not to torture my tastebuds anymore and fill it up with my own jam. So my answer is most likely to be choice no.4

Key to Empty Inside
What do you call a jelly doughnut without any jelly in it? A: a nasty surprise!
While we are on the subject of the unexpected, you may be surprised to hear that the response you chose for the above scenario shows the role you play among your friends.

Choice no. 1
An orthodox thinker who isn't easily thrown off guard by odd occurrences, you can be relied on not to panic when the unexpected happens. But you aren't the type to take command and lead the way. Rather, you tend to support leader types with your clear judgement and coolheaded advice.

Choice no. 2
You don't let surprises ruffle your feathers, accepting whatever hand the fates deal you. Your patience and flexibility make you incredibly easy to get along with, and it could be said that you're the glue that holds your circle of friends together. Because you don't make a fuss over things, it sometimes seems that you fade into the background. But like air, you go unnoticed only until you are not around.

Choice no. 3
Quick to make decisions and quick to act, you're a natural leader in any group. You come into your own when things get out of hand and the situation calls for one person to take charge and decide a course of action. You don't hem and haw over where to go for dinner or what movie to see--the word indecision is not in your vocabulary. That air of confidence and authority means that when you speak, the people around you listen.

Choice no.
Your talent for coming up with innovative solutions makes you the undisputed idea generator in your clique. Everyone has common sense, but you have a knack for uncommon sense that lets you see opportunities where others see only problems. Your creative instincts mean that you run the risk of getting carried away with yourself and seem eccentric from time to time, but people feel safe knowing that whatever happens, you are sure to keep things interesting.


Anonymous said...

5. Wait for Clarissa to "Try filling the empty doughnut with something like maple syrup or jam to make it taste better." and eat up her donut.

sylvified said...


jasmine said...

4! *jUmps x 10* qUick qUicK!! tell me wHat it sAys aBt mE!! haha.. =p