Tuesday, March 04, 2008

Ulu Mulu: I Love You!

For those of you who have been wondering what I've been up to, don't worry my blog's not dead.
I was just busy exploring limestone caves in Sarawak, Malaysia while on the pretense of doing geographical fieldwork. I'll just let the pictures speak for themselves and make every Human/Urban Geographer/ Non-Geographer jealous...haha!

miri-mulu flight

Meandering rivers in Borneo with an Ox-Bow lake clearly visible on the right.

Royal Mulu Resort

Taking measurements along the river flanked by limestone.

Royal Mulu Resort

Stopping for an ice lolly right after.

Bat Observatory

Watching millions of bats make their way out of Deer's cave for their daily hunt in the evening.

Entrance of Clearwater cave

Exploring the caves themselves with all the bat shit guano, collapsed dolines, speleothems and dripping water in utter darkness.

Park HQ eating area

Having a hearty breakfast with good friends every morning.

Sg Pala bridge along main road

Admiring breathtaking landscapes where the mountains meet the clouds together.

miri airport

Taking a breather from the 5m high piles of stinking guano in Deer's Cave. ahha.

Finally when the going gets tough, nothing beats wasting time more than taking stupid photos as we while time away waiting for others. heeheehee!

my tshirt for the day


1 comment:

jasmine said...

nIce piCtureS! :D