Okie... I have been contemplating for a while now on whether I should post this here. It has a high potential of wiping away whatever scrap of reputation I have left and may probably make some view me in a different light. I'd like to make clear I'm still the same as before, maybe just more misunderstood than ever. (Haha... oh well, whatever makes people happy.)
聪明的人喜欢猜心, 虽然会猜对
但往往失去 自己的心。
但却得到了 别人的心。
I guess I don't mind sacrificing a bit and be a joke,
if it lets someone smile for a while.
This is for all those who have just completed long strenuous essays (HTs/Isms), or those who are still in the midst of more work, whoever who may be in a need to de-stress or something to laugh at...
Presenting Clarissa's classic (mis)qoutes!............................Mulu, Sarawak fieldtrip
(As the class was taking a break, we were waiting for two of my project mates who went with the guides to find the intersecting point where the rivers meet, so that we could test the geochemistry of the waters with a multi-channel probe. The two of them (Ms S and Mr Hy) came back a while later, looking slightly flustered with all the rushing of things)
Me to them: So did you find the part that joins?
Turns to Mr Hy: Did you manage to put that (stick ie. probe) thing in?
(I wanted to transfer some photo files from my friend’s laptop)
Me to Ms J: Can I stick my thumb in your drive?
Ms E: I also want!
Me: With so many stuck inside, will become congested a not?
At the bookstore, Popular
(I was searching for a replacement eraser since I lost mine and happen to come across a box of the type of erasers recommended by my brother)
Me: Ooooh…my brother uses this type of rubber coz 比较好插!
At Din Tai Feng
(While eating a delicious xiaolongbao, the juice of that bun shoots out of the spoon…)
Me: Arrgghh…it squirted wrongly!
Cue stunned silence.
Me (being oblivious and irritated): I should have put the whole thing in my mouth!
Later……as I began to tackle the larger size shrimp dumpling…
Mr H: So are you gonna try to put the whole thing in your mouth this time?
Me: Cannot lah…it’s too big!
The next time you see me in class, I'll most probably be wearing a mask and not answer your call. But considering that tomorrow is the last geog lecture of my life, the odds are on my side that I wouldn't have to put a paper bag over my head for too long..ahah~!
P.S: See evil-tofu, my chinese can be power also too!
P.P.S: For people who don't get the jokes, it's okay... it's actually better this way!