9am: Wake up, spend a few minutes recollecting what I have to do.
10am: Make way to school
11am: Arrive at Geography Honours Room, grunt greetings to fellow inhabitants
12pm: Geography Honours Room, mulling around some project or another
1pm: Lunch at the deck canteen
2pm: Back at Geography Honours Room
2.15pm: Leave to pee
2.45pm: Leave to throw rubbish
3pm: Engage in some part-time work as a photocopying pirate
4pm: Geography Honours Room, continue with 10% project discussion, 30% random fits of laughter and 60% irrelevant conversation
6.30pm: Cue audible ramblings of hungry classmate(s)'s stomach
7pm: Dinner at (insert faculty) canteen
7.45pm: Geography Honours Room to collect bags
8pm: Colonialization of yet another geographical space..the Geolab!
10pm: Make way home.
12mn: At home to blog this down.
I am officially grounded in Geography.
But surprisingly, I quite enjoy it. If given the same scenario in the time context of a few years back when I was in Year 2/3, I know i would have cursed and swear and dread every minute of it.
But not now.
Perhaps it's in knowing that these really are the last days of school that I will ever have. Perhaps it's in the gradual appreciation of the academic vigour, the intellectual stimulating debates and all the thought-provoking theories that the school offers.
More importantly, perhaps it's the sudden realization of how much I will miss the places which we can call our own, the people who are a big part of it and the friendships that have been forged through torture and laughter, sickness and health, life and death, rivers and batshit.
As the saying goes, it's the little things that count the most.
-- All the long late nights we spent in school trying to complete assignments. Just knowing that we are all in it together is comfort and a reassurance in itself. An unspoken form of support.
-- Getting tickled into peals of laughter by the atrocious misuse of the English language, both written and spoken! "Chek JaVa", "Alway", "LaBtop", and a classic line
"My friend can't eat, coz she's Halal!"
(you know who you are. wahaha! *jingles-in-glee*:P)
-- More laughter at said person's antics and expressions.
-- Even more side-splitting-stomach-pain-laugh-til-speechless when while trying to mimic said person's sighing expression, a sushi pops out of the mouth like a merlion fountain from fellow laugh-er!
-- Laughing. Laughing at people. Being laughed at By people.
-- Mass communal dinners.
-- Finding the unexpected connection with another person through a common (dis)interest. Be it music, religion, food, hobby, people, etc...
-- Holding a msn conversation with the person(s) who is sitting right beside/in front of you!
(Funnier still if we are all complaining about the people who are in the same room !)
-- Coming up with funny nicknames for classmates and then checking dictionary.com for the various translations!
-- Taking silly photos all over school
-- Making silly videos while dancing on a wobbly concrete slab of pavement, only to find out later that we were facing the open window of a room full of people attending a tutorial right beside us!
-- Seeing familiar friendly faces when stepping into class and
-- Being greeted with an over-enthusiastic, over-the-top, loud-hailer shout of
"Hi Clarissaaaaaaaaaaaaa..!!"
(The same zealous greeting person also accuses me of being a stalker when in fact, I'm like jack beside her towering bean-STALk lah! When we first met, I was effectively talking to a chest bone which probably explains why I didn't get any response nor acknowledgement of my presence. *haha.. I'm so gona be whacked if she saw this but luckily I don't think she reads my blog* heng!)
There are many many more...all the little stories and encounters etched into the pages of my memory. I wonder how many of these lines of friendship and bonds will remain unbroken after graduation.
Guess only time can tell.
I want to laugh at other people.
I dont want to be laughed at.
I dont want:(
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